Issue 15 - Poetry

Reality Is the Definition of Pain - Abigail Bauman

On the Bank of the River - Abigail Bauman

perfect game - Avery Atkins

evermore - Emily Sopko

Cicadas Scream in the Background - Hannah Aud

Seduction - Hannah Aud

The Bone Thrower - Kelly Krotzer

hysteria - Kelly Krotzer

on impact - DJ Bunce

the fairies mourn - Amber Watkin

Baby Breaths - Cara Weaver

Layers of Light - Emily Hizny

A Spilling Angel - Emily Hizny

Filigree - Emily Hizny

Avulsion - Emily Hizny

Burn Safety - Andrea Repetz

the prince was a let down - Monet Polny

beware of the princesses who were raised by dragons - Monet Polny

a villainous pep talk - Monet Polny

calypso was actually a vampire - Monet Polny

narcissus and eros: a gender-swapped retelling - Monet Polny

abalone - Alexis McDonald

dolosus rose - Alexis McDonald

crabgrass - Alexis McDonald

Two oranges by Robert Talbot - Alexis McDonald

death roll call - Alexis McDonald