Baby Breaths

Cara Weaver

I tell myself to focus on me 

and realize that I am speaking to a stranger  

I am 19 years old, sitting in my bed, crying, 

when I first realize the extent of the damage 


For the first time in years, 

I am responsible for me 


 m e   a l o n e 


And although this should excite me, 

beads of sweat coat my skin 

Moments feel like hours  


I am not sure if I am breathing at all 


I tell myself if I can just finish a breath, 

it would prove that I can do this alone 


If I can just summon strength 

from the secluded part of my soul, 

just lift the saturated lung,  

letting it d 



drain of anything except air, 

begin to breathe 

Only then, 

will I be certain that I am here.  

I am alive. 

I will find me- 


Whether it takes days  

or months 

         or years 

or decades 


If I breathe, I am alive 

If I am alive, I still have time 


I feel my ribs poking my skin and, 

for once, 

I don’t look away 

Place my fingers in their d i v o t s and  


feel pressure push, 

reach its peak 


and feel a comfort I have missed 


I am breathing. 

And that is the first step to being okay. 

Cara Weaver is junior Creative Writing and English: Publishing & Editing double major. She is currently spending a semester abroad at the University of Stirling in Scotland. She loves spoken word poetry and mystery novels. Her family (and dogs) are the most important things in her life. She believes that the answers to a lot of the world's problems are kindness and simplicity.

Issue 15



the fairies mourn - Amber Watkin


Layers of Light - Emily Hizny