
Emily Sopko

the river swollen  

like the valves and ventricles  

of my expired heart.  

mosquitoes clumsily flit across the flowing surface  

a kindergarten ballet class,  

moving without rhythm or direction.  

they bite at my exposed flesh  

a tanned, succulent fruit.  

pests, annoyance embodied  

i swat at them and miss.  

let them bite me  

let them poison themselves  

let them fill on the distain and malice,  

the fermented fetterings that restrain  

my wounded spirit.  

let them suck the toxins from my body  

like leeches on a medieval patient.  

finally then will i course freely  

like the water before me  

ever moving  

ever changing  

ever beating  


Emily Sopko is a junior English Literature and Music double major.  She is from Orwigsburg, a small borough in Eastern PA.  In her free time, she enjoys playing her violin, writing poetry, and frequenting local antique/thrift stores. 

Issue 15



perfect game - Avery Atkins


Cicadas Scream in the Background - Hannah Aud