
Kelly Krotzer

  ὑστέρα means uterus  

womb; secondary sex organ; cunt; pussy; parts of the whole, “pretty in pink” folds:  

      clitoris, ovaries, labia, cervix, fallopian tubes  

          what does it mean to be a carrier of this organ, this cog in the human machine?  

ὑστερικός is suffering in the uterus  

agony; bleeding; a tearing off of the inside lining; hormones gone astray, along with  

emotions too; swelling; aching; crying; screaming; pain; pain; pain  

        to have a uterus is to suffer, fact; even if the organ isn’t trying to rip itself out of  

        your body, slowly killing you from the inside, your daily life at least revolves  

        around your uterus: what you wear, how to act, what you are allowed to do with  

        it; answer? nothing; the uterus may be in your body but it is not yours  

hystericus adds a Latin suffix to an Ancient Greek word  

       scent therapy; pelvic massage/stimulation of the genitalia by a midwife or doctor; internal  

stimulus via vibrators by a midwife or doctor; marriage; childbearing; hydro-therapy  

          Hippocrates thought that the womb was floating around aimlessly in a women’s body, blocking passages and

        creating chaos in the body; the only fix was attracting the uterus back to its original spot in the body using nice

        scents; how lovely; and how did treatment of this “so-called” illness go from that to sexual therapy and the torture of

human beings?  

hysteria is a medical diagnosis for a disease which did not exist, except for in the minds of men  

anxiety; shortness of breath; fainting; nervousness; sexual desire; insomnia; fluid  

retention, specifically of the menstruation variety; heaviness in abdomen; irritability; loss  

       of appetite for food; loss of appetite for sex; sexually forward behavior; sexual thoughts;  

        numbness; blindness; paralysis; fits  

       the female lies silent in her agony over the world; her every move, her every  

breath, her very existence is weakness on humankind; she can only do so much to  

     overcome the natural body she is given, and those who share her pain of an  

     existence through femininity and body parts will be her greatest allies in her war  

against the world. 

Issue 15



The Bone Thrower - Kelly Krotzer


on impact - DJ Bunce