
Hannah Aud

To lead astray in a dead tongue  

Morphed to stab you in the back  

   The Older version is confused  

  For the true meaning is Middle French  


  But sexuality didn’t exist until 1550  

       And by then it was clear  

The object, the prize: a woman 

   Better yet her virginity purity  



She makes an attempt to reclaim  

         She calls herself seductress (He calls  

      her) vixen  


loose woman  

But never slut  

For that shows too much  

Of the systemic misogyny  

That peaks in the 1800s  

Then down and down  

Until the roaring 1920s  

      (Now that her knees show she obviously wants it) 

Then it peaks again  

Just before the 2000s  

So many ruined women  

Left behind  

Makes you wonder               

Maybe it wasn’t confusion  

  A trail of betrayal  

That leads to today (2019)  

“I’ll seduce her” he says  




      The time for fear is over 

       He will pay for his insult  

  For his crime  

      The time is now 

Hannah Aud is a senior Creative Writing and Publishing & Editing double major, from Maryland. She’s the managing editor of RiverCraft, and the president of both Film Club and the Anime and Manga Association here on campus. She has many interests are rarely any time for any of them, but she loves making art, cooking, and of course writing. She recently took up sewing and hopes to improve enough to make her own clothes. She recently finished her GO experience in Italy where she saw a lot of sight and ate a lot of great food. She’s an avid fan of movies, especially of 80’s horror movies, and loves to talk about the MCU with her friends.

Issue 15



Cicadas Scream in the Background - Hannah Aud


The Bone Thrower - Kelly Krotzer