Issue 14 - Poetry Cocaine - Alex Morgan The Snake - Brianna Simmons internalized misogyny - Kylee Graham You Cannot Divide By Zero - Amy Jarvis a certificate that reads "daddy's merciless little god" - Deon Robinson did it hurt? - Taylor Meehan The Moon Doesn't Exist and the Stars are Dead - Jordyn Taylor Marble/Glass - Brianna Simmons White Rib Woman - Jacob Tashoff Our Exoskeleton - Brianna Simmons violence against women is a men's issue - Kylee Graham January 43rd - Cara Roets On that Fateful Eve When the Plumber, Neptune, Received Poseidon's Kiss - Jacob Tashoff I Think I Hate that Guy Jeff Who Works Three Desks Down from You - Jacob Tashoff Insolence - Alex Morgan Self-Immolation - Taylor Meehan A loss of laughter - Jordyn Taylor Shit I Keep Telling Myself I'll Use, But Probably Won't Realistically - Amy Jarvis What is the shape of your body? - Jordyn Taylor 7 proud lbs ekphrastic - Deon Robinson