7 proud lbs ekphrastic

Deon Robinson

Let us create a word then, for when 

we catch a god down by the river and rather 

than introduce them to the knife—

to its riveted and precise wound-making— 

we indulge in something the world can’t teach us, lick it 

in the endless ribbons of light that color us 

dark, and say don’t worry, this is a lullaby, 

a gold tooth snuggled under the pillow, a currency 

so dreamlike it almost doesn’t belong to a country 

at all, and isn’t this a species of witness 

resurrected from extinction, a heart that pumps 

on the good clean water alone.

Deon Robinson is an Afro-Latino poet born and raised in Bronx, New York. He is an undergraduate at Susquehanna University, where he was the two-time recipient of the Janet C. Weis Prize for Literary Excellence. His work has appeared in Homology Lit, Honey and Lime Lit, Kissing Dynamite Poetry, Occulum Journal, Okay Donkey and the Shade Journal, among others. His work was also nominated for the Best of the Net Anthology in 2019.

Issue 14


A Firefly Mural Painted on the Inside of my Eyelids

Jake Price





in the


My pupils eclipse and dilate

swim laps around the inside of my iris.

I see spots.

This is the only thing in my entire life

that I know to be true. When you look into the red sun

as it sinks past the horizon,

you see spots.

The cicada orchestra commences.

Every song I’ve ever known playing

simultaneously. When I close

my eyes and listen

I see spots.





both of

my eyes.

Jake Price is a sophomore student who spends too much time reading his poetry to his cat, who has yet to give him any useful feedback. He was born in Texas, but now resides in McConnelsburg, Pennsylvania. Writing has been something he has loved doing ever since he was a little kid, and he hopes to one day make a living off of it.

Issue 16



What is the shape of your body? - Jordyn Taylor