Alex Morgan
Saw through saw in
Your soul simple Segway
Sarcophagus Cedric
Simon sing single sin
Simply sour sight is slaughter
Sympathy silent incinerate slips
In etcetera sign off and slit your
Wrists in sleight of hand
Slut drop slyly sling slop
At cytoplasmic, orgasmic
Seminars singe satanic
Simpletons with slaw and
Claw through slime. Slim
Eats slippery slow singers
And sinners as still as stop signs
Simmer slowly in Saturn’s
Symmetry cymbals clash and
Smash in staggering sense
Snakes ssss n’ piss n’ slither
Slice Pisces ice and is us
And miss us and Miss Utz
Awful in us sis cuss bus
Gus muss..t see.
Alexander Morgan is a Creative Writing student who often writes poetry and fiction on subjects such as politics, depression, sex, social media influence, and trashy social situations. He also exploits the magic inherent in words: the bending of sounds to create not only poetry, but experiences of ascension. Like any good magician, he refuses to spill his secrets, but is always willing to brag to those charmed. If you can find his work anywhere: be prepared to be blown away.
Issue 14