
Mitchell G. Roshannon

All major functions accomplished

by H.U.M.A.N. unit 1309200308

15 lifetimes of labor complete

Fathered 16 (127493706 through 127493721,

tags purchased 3-20-2095)

3 mentally ill, residing in Brookwatch Asylum

5 M.I.A. after WWIII

8 healthy kin still functional

Disposal Complete, location equivalent to that of wife

Spouse’s life discontinued 8 years prior by drone

mother to all 16 offspring

lack of productivity in workplace

Death of 1309200308 cause: effects of radiation exposure

as part of first genetic selection tests

exposure occurred there in 2072

Date of death: December 1, 3025

Life tag removed,

now available for sale.

purchase complete.

Current owner: H.U.M.A.N. unit 582974398

Mitchell Roshannon is currently a Creative Writing major and History minor interested mainly in essaying and nonfiction. That said, he loves writing science fiction and odd bits of poetry to break up the sometimes monotonous details of real life.

Issue 12



Greyscale - Kerry Lewis


Centralia - Ashleigh Tomcics