
Ashleigh Tomcics

“Trump likes Nickelback”

     - Graffiti highway outside of Centralia, PA

grained radon shifts towards us,

color swirls desolate

and the wind blows deviant wishes

the fissures

live& breathe

under loving coats of chemicals&

foot- fall.i wish I was from here.

i have gold. i think

i can feel the ground- breath rise

&fall but maybe that’s just what I


to not have lost the fight.

the wind groans in anger.

i am facing inevitability dressed in

rock, twigs grasping

to stay flush with

asphalt and hillside alike,

hills rolling to


when i too am dying, this is

the landscape of my body:

cracked in warmth, sugarcoated

nostalgia, fissures

deep& indistinguishable

from landscape.

entropy smells like the

death of dreams, wafting its way

sprayed down this remembered highway;

i am home.

Ashleigh Tomcics is a junior English-Secondary Ed and Creative Writing major who enjoys ridiculous memes, cooking shows, and knitting. Her poetry ranges from beautiful to insane and she likes to think it's pretty good. She also would like you to know that she's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.

Issue 12



H.U.M.A.N. - Mitchell G. Roshannon


The Anatomy of Grass - Victoria DiMartino