I’ll Never Ask

Issue 17


Ellie Taliani

If kisses taste like forgiveness and wine runs like blood, or blood like wine for who can say which has been the more common of the two, how lost am I on this night of nights, my hands too casual and my eyes too bright from your proximity

If secrets are knotted in my hair, are they from your whispers lost before reaching my ear or do they grow out bone-deep from my fractures, what do your careful fingers find as I am unraveled thread by thread

If your smile hides a truth I cannot afford to believe, I should close my eyes if I could bear the withdrawal of you, if anything but ashes hid behind my lids, but I am pulled apart by the dream that you care and the dream that I do not

If you are a breath of air and I am drowning, what is singeing my lungs and charring me from within as my words hiss too hot from my lips for anyone’s comfort, if you shield me from my chosen poison what will cool my bones and let me rest cracked beneath the earth

If light shines for anything it touches what broken creature could dare face it, what fell-being could resist the bright pain of being known and reached, could I be faulted for reaching out to such gentle destruction or calling its name

How lost am I

After spending a fair amount of time looking in cracked mirrors and dark corners, Ellie Taliani is delighted to share what she found there. Making her authorial debut with The Sanctuary Magazine, Ellie is a poet and fiction writer studying at Susquehanna University.  She enjoys pottery, hiking, and peppermint out of season.


Ghost - Nala Washington


He Is a Corpse and I Am Covered in Formaldehyde - Ellie Cameron