Apollo is Punk Rock
Jacob Tashoff
Apollo is punk rock.
And he’s pretty good at it, too.
The whole
tight pants,
nose ring,
long hair
just kind of works for him,
and it certainly works
for his fans, too.
He likes to talk
about how many times
“a chick came up to [him]
and said 'sign my tits!'”
but he’s definitely
exaggerating, but no one
cares because he
winked at the camera,
and, “oh my God,
it’s like he was looking
right at me,”
“no Jessica, it was
totally me, obviously
he likes brunettes
more, just look at his band,”
and it’s true, he’s the
only male member of
The New Day, and
the drummer and
the keyboardist and
the bassist are all
brunettes, but the
lead guitarist
is a blonde, and that’s like
the second most important
role in the band, right?
But people don't really
ever see past that, and sure,
they're good musicians,
but come on, just
look at Apollo, he’s
so hot, obviously he writes
all of their music,
how could he not?
And sure, he did write a
song or two, something
with a metaphor about
archery and love, and yeah,
the album got pretty
decent reviews, but it
didn’t win anything, and
Apollo certainly hasn’t been
nominated for any awards
outside Sexiest Rockstar,
and he’s barely even that—
the rest of the band
are the real Muses, the
true inspiration behind
the music, and they
write everything, but no one
cares to check the
writing credits on
songlyrics.com and see Euterpe's
name there, 'cause, “God,
he’s so punk rock, did you
see what he did
to that hotel room
last week?”
Jacob Tashoff is a current junior at Susquehanna. He wishes dragons really existed, because they would make life way more interesting, but he also knows that would make life more dangerous too, and he's one to live life as simple and easy as possible, so he'll probably just stick to pretending dragons exist and watching Supernatural too often. But imagine being a cowboy that rode a dragon instead of a horse! That would be crazy.
Issue 13