Issue 5


  • ​Salutations!

    Thank you so much for picking up the newest edition of Sanctuary! All of those involved have worked so very hard to give you this magazine. This year we wanted to bring Susquehanna University a new and improved Sanctuary from the previous years. While we wanted to bring something new to this magazine, we did not want to forget the reason why it was started in the first place. Sanctuary, by definition, is a place of refuge. We wanted to present the SU community with a place where those who think outside of the box and are not afraid to test the limits of what is considered “good writing.”

    We present to you what is beyond “the basics of being human.” We have a wide variety of poetry and prose that encapsulates this theme. We begin with “Breath” by Michelle Bayman, where we get our theme of “the basics of being human.” In “Astromorphosis” by Danielle Pope, the character finds something she’s lost, and in turn finds herself; a fundamental step in being human. In “Her Cornflower Dress” by S. Wisneiski, we are presented with the idea of giving into our deepest desires and being haunted by our pasts, while Lauren Breen writes about breaking free from yourself in the poem “Escape.”

    We would like to thank the following people: Gary Fincke and the Writer’s Institute for donating money to make Sanctuary possible; all the members of Sanctuary, who spent many hours of their lives reading and editing; Robert Rotell for volunteering his time, and working with the co-editors until the last minute; Glen Retief for being awesome and coming to our aid when we needed him; Kyle Herr and Allison Mann for making kick-ass posters during our call for submissions; Danielle Pope and Savannah David, our lovely field workers, for hanging up those kick-ass posters and for being awesome; Kelly Kuros for giving up countless hours of her life to editing the pieces in this magazine; the Print Shop for printing our magazine as quickly as possible; and as always, Jonathan Lyons, for being our Distant Dad and Unofficial Advisor.

    “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”  —Albus Dumbledore

    So feast your eyes on some darkness, dear readers. But just remember to turn on the light.

    A million and one thanks,

    Chantal Gadoury and S. Wisneiski

  • Co-Editors

    Chantal Gadoury

    S. Wisneiski

    Assistant Editors

    Kyle Herr

    Allison Mann

    Graphic Designer

    Rob Rotell

    Grammar Editors

    Kelly Kuros

    Allison Mann

    Reading Board

    Madeleine Coe

    Savannah David

    Kyle Herr

    Kelly Kuros

    Chantal Gadoury

    Allison Mann

    Danielle Pope

    S. Wisneiski


Issue 6 (2012)


Issue 4 (2010)